Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ A revival of my blog, probably for a day only
Hi everyone, (not sure who is going to see this because my blog has been dead since LAST YEAR!!!!)

Wow it has been a year since I last blogged har? Now enter Anderson Junior College already, do not have anymore time to spend on blogging. OK maybe have just a little but since studies have already become more hectic, I can't spend my free time on blogging, must use it more wisely LIKE chatting with friends (CLOSE FRIENDS) or facebooking or playing games wahahhaha!!! Must have some time out for my meimei (s) too! :)

Well now is past midnight and I wanna go sleep, still have school tomorrow. Today I am just being a little random so I went into my dead blog and decided to post one today. Gonna go back to BP to give a small talk to the current 4L1 and 4M2 on tips on how to score well in O'levels and promoting AJ to them. Since not everyone will get to see the slides, I shall upload the powerpoint over the internet for everyone else to see it. :) The link is . View it if you want but please... do not comment on my O'levels results because it is seriously SERIOUSLY HORRIBLE. (The score there is raw score, have not minus off the bonus points from CCA or HMT) I was expected to do at least 2 points better than my current score but I failed that expectation somehow... sadded! Stupid sciences dropped unexpectedly, it shocked everyone, including me and my teachers. I could still remember their words, "What happen to you, Tommy?" OH MAN!!! My results really suck ttm... ... *sigh* I think probably cause I was too complacent after getting my prelims results and thought I can maintain my science results for O'levels. The mindset of "getting this results for prelims sure get better/same for O'levels de la since prelims is sooooo much easier" made me score pathetic results...

Oh well, can't change the past, must is GOGO A'levels! GRRR stressed haha. Shall de-stress by thinking of love and romantic poems and watching anime with such genres HAHA because those topics are my favorites. I always score well when I write a composition on love HAHA. :D

Kk going to sleep now, see ya! SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! :O

Signing off,
Your dearest Tomtom. ^_^

That Love-Bird(me-me!!) ?

Heyy , Tommy Yuen Kai Weng 袁启荣 here (:
I'm 16 years old, going 17 next year(2011) July.
♥ I am single Lol!
Character: Tommy is a very happy-go-lucky person. He loves to chat, with girls or boys also never mind. He can be stubborn at times but he is very friendly. He is somtimes hardworking but sometimes lazy too. He is also sensitive at times when he is really concentrated on it. He never gets angry!
Handphone number: 92316552.
Email(add me on msn!):
Birthday: 15 July 1994.
Ding Dong(doorbell ring): Cashew Heights Condominium
Schools studied in(Once a Bpian always a Bpian!): Bukit Panjang Primary School(last time). And Bukit Panjang Government High School(now).
PSLE score(really seriously bad): 240-250
Church: Gospel Light Christian Church
Position I uphold: Student Councillor, once an understudy of Functions
CCA: Volleyball(Haiz if got tennis better)

[♥] Her(In future maybe?)
[♥] Tennis
[♥] Sleep
[♥] Anime
[♥] Taiwan dramas
[♥] Korean dramas
[♥] Chicken rice
[♥] Arm wrestling
[♥] Tutoring primary kids
[♥] Young children
My Primary and Secondary classes [♥]
[♥] 1F - 2001
[♥] 2K - 2002
[♥] 3J - 2003
[♥] 4J - 2004
[♥] 5J - 2005
[♥] 6K - 2006
[♥] 104 - 2007
[♥] 204 - 2008
[♥] 3L1 - 2009
[♥] 4L1 - 2010

Whispers ...


Listen ...
Message for everyone
The Lord is my shepherd. He guides me in my life, leading me in the path of righteousness. He is my Father! He is the best Father that one could ever have. He is my all in all. The Lord sees all, sees the heart but Man sees the outside. God makes no mistakes and He died on the cross for our sins. He loves us all no matter of who we are because He loves His dear children as He created us. We are all sinners and God gave us a chance to spend eternal life with him in Heaven. Heaven is a holy place and thus we cannot enter. But God is kind, loving and He cares for us, all it takes for us to enter into Heaven is just to believe in Him, to believe in His Words and repent from our sins. Take the step of faith and believe in God. Ask and you shall receive!
A little more?
Lord, I am Your child. Guide me along in my life. Lead me the way You want my life to me. Make me to be more like You.

I LOVE YOU!!!!! (To God, to Mei, to my girlfriend in future maybe?, Haha)

Do you think I have a girlfriend now or someone I like/love? Haha. Yes? No? Aiyo! Answer so obvious also don't know, BOO HOO! Hehe.
Relationship matter
A little more about me when it comes to relationship(BGR) haha.

If I love or like a girl, all I want is to see her smile. I will do anything for her to be happy. My heart will break whenever I see her being too close to another guy. However, if she is so so much happier with the another guy than with me, I shall let her go because all I want is her happiness and her smile. If she is happy, I will be happy.

Yes, my heart will break. But I will never show it(I think so) because I do not want her to know and I don't want her to have a hard time deciding and I don't want her to worry for me. As long as she can be happy, if I have to sacrifice my feelings for her, I will do it. It will be painful but it is the best I can do for her.
LOL ...
Memories ...